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Coconut water

Coconut water has many health benefits and food . It contains coconut water to approximately 95% of the water , and the remaining contain vitamin B, C, and minerals such as potassium , magnesium and sodium.
Coconut water

It is also drinks that contain a small percentage of calories , Vkob one of coconut water contains only 46 calories 0.3 grams of dietary fiber, 0.2 grams of protein . It is a natural drink security completely does not contain any preservatives or unhealthy fats or cholesterol . And also there are no side effects remember to eat coconut water .
Here are the most important benefits of a healthy 8 to drink coconut water
1 - enhance energy levels
Vme coconut is rich in potassium and magnesium , and salts , sugars , therefore, recommended capturing people who have lost large amounts of fluids to restore hydration and body , especially after exercise , it is a healthy alternative for optimal sports drinks and energy drinks . It also helps to fight fatigue and restore energy .
2 - helps weight loss
Where help moisturize the body sufficiently to prevent the storage of fat , which helps to raise the temperature of the body, which positively affects the metabolism. Thus , coconut water helps to get rid of excess weight.
Drinking coconut water helps to hydrate the body , in addition to its effect as a diuretic , which helps get rid of toxins out of the body quickly and easily.
3 - lowers blood pressure and enhances the health of the heart and blood vessels
Coconut water helps to lower blood pressure levels , it also increases the effect of drugs used for the same purpose . Some studies have shown positive changes and research in blood pressure levels for people who eat coconut water on a regular basis , perhaps also as a substitute for ordinary water .

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