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Yellowing of the facial treatment

There are many reasons that affect the skin becomes pale and tired and is bright and this causes
fatigue and fatigue, smoking, pollution, in addition to the daily pressures and the age factor knowing that the secret brightening and freshness of the skin
Do not be superficial but never the source stems from the depths of the skin and is based mainly on the circulatory system, which has a major role in that they are transferring all the vital elements for the skin If exposed to one of the problems it is affecting the skin and can lead to the problem of yellowing of face suffered by many Ladies
The most important factors that lead to yellowing face chronic malnutrition and traffic condition wrench without the use of painkillers, as well as psychological stress associated with crises, psychological, emotional and nervous tension and permanent control of a state of depression for a long time, and smoking is addictive and that the scientific explanation for yellowing of the face is the lack of receipt of blood Face to make the color yellow
yellowIt is the most important remedies to the problem of yellowing face self-entertainment   to a place in the picturesque nature and also accompany people comfortable with them and love them as well as the practice of walking per day, or follow some other hobbies such as hunting and
Also, take a bath of lukewarm water tends to heat works on the palm of the nerves and the occurrence of a relaxed state, followed by going to sleep for a long time and eat some of the foods that contain vitamin B-12 in the Securities green plant and eat the meat of birds on the kinds of grapes, dates eggs municipal fresh all that would reduce the problem of yellowing face.

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