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May surprise many when they learn that the orange guava excels in terms of the proportion of rich in vitamin C which contains 230 milligrams per 100 grams of this in addition to 80% of water, 12% sugar and 5.3% fiber KMT has many minerals such as iron, copper, phosphorus , and zinc, making it the most useful summer fruit for human health.
9 offer you medical benefits for fruit-smelling smart and at least in terms of calories, a guava:
Help get rid of excess weight
Contain guava on a small number of calories makes it is the fruit ideal for use in systems diet because it helps get rid of excess weight without compromising the rate of vitamins, proteins and minerals, which must be obtained by the person because they of less fruits which contain sugars compared with apples, grapes and oranges.
Dealing with diarrhea
Guava contribute significantly in the treatment of diarrhea caused by a cold or gastroenteritis, in order to contain it to a holding materials and natural antiseptic antibacterial, They also help to stop the growth of microbes in the intestine.
Element useful in cases of cough
Guava helps to get rid of the symptoms of colds, especially cough syrup, where he works guava leaves to cleanse the respiratory tract, throat and lungs.
Skin Care
Guava contains vitamin A, B, C, and a large proportion of water which contributes to avoid skin problems, and to maintain the freshness of the skin and fight the signs of aging.
Lowering blood pressure
Considered guava fruits rich in fiber natural cholesterol-lowering blood which benefits people who suffer from high blood pressure, where it maintains the normal rate.
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Medical studies have shown that vitamin C provided by a large margin in the guava fruit contributes to the acceleration of the process of healing of wounds and burns.
Guava contains a large proportion of natural fiber, which helps to get rid of LDL cholesterol, which leads to avoid the risk of heart disease and hardening of the arteries.
Prevention of diabetes
Eating guava helps reduce the risk of diabetes because they are an important source of many fibers that contribute to slowing the absorption of sugar in the body, which reduces the risk of developing type II diabetes.

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